Naan: a leavened bread of Indian origin that is round, flat, and soft.
Basically what Merriam-Webster is trying to tell us is this bread is second to NAAN! The best part is you can buy it pre-made from your local grocery store and make yourself a Naan pizza in 15 minutes! I’ve rounded up 3 stellar flavor combo’s two savory and one sweet for you guys to try today. Scroll down to check out the Naan Pizza’s or perhaps it sparks you to create your own combination!
Naan pizza provides the ultimate combo of nutrients your body will always need. This includes your protein, starches (carbohydrates), fat, and veggies/fruit. When incorporating these items into each of your meals daily you will find yourself with a satisfying and nutrient dense meal. Let’s take a peek now at what this looks like!
For those who don’t like to explore new avenues with your taste buds here is a tried and true classic pizza for you with my own twist. I used Bilinski’s fully cooked spicy italian chicken sausage here and a knockout pizza sauce with minimal ingredients. If you want to find ways to make a pizza with better ingredients start by looking at what is in your pizza sauce! You’d be surprised to find a whole load of sugar in most this includes pasta sauces too.
This is a seriously classic flavor combo inspiration brought to you by the many peach, feta, and pecan salads I’ve tried through the years. An overall classic combination that you just can’t go wrong with. So I said why not try and make it into a pizza!
This combo is going to sound extremely strange but I think we can all agree honey is a game changer. So in this case don’t knock it ’til you try it! Seriously, this pizza will rock your world and forever change pizza night.
I hope you guys fall in love with these combinations just as much as I did. This is also a super fun and simple family night meal. All you do is create a pizza topping bar meaning you don’t have to do any cooking except turn on the oven and put a sheet pan in there. Let your guests piece together their own pizza and have them cook it to their own liking! An interactive dinner and minimal cooking and clean up for you! I call that a win win scenario.